Our Ministry Teams
Church Council:
Paul Tompkins
Diane Earys-Mendoza
Kathy Latham
Brant Baker
Linda Parkin
Linnea Hillesland
Joyce McIntyre
Jeff Gilmore
Sue Worley
Altar Care
Church Council
Christian Education
Worship and Music
Breakfast Deliveries: During the summer when there is no school breakfast program, the people of First Lutheran go to families' homes to deliver approximately 120 boxes of cereal and other foods.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Knitting and crocheting prayer shawls for those in need of comfort and ongoing prayer.
Shoes for School: Each fall, the members of our church bring in new sneakers and tennis shoes to give to the Pasco School District, who in turn distribute to children in need.
Supporting the Community: Throughout the year, our church supports the Tri-City Union Gospel Mission, My Friends Place, and other community organizations.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Knitting and crocheting prayer shawls for those in need of comfort and ongoing prayer.
Shoes for School: Each fall, the members of our church bring in new sneakers and tennis shoes to give to the Pasco School District, who in turn distribute to children in need.
Supporting the Community: Throughout the year, our church supports the Tri-City Union Gospel Mission, My Friends Place, and other community organizations.
Our Groups
Men's Group: Meet on the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm at a restaurant (currently Magill's in Pasco).
Women's Group: Meet as announced. One of their main projects is the annual Scandinavian/American Bake Sale, which is held on the first Saturday of November.
Music and Choir: instruments from marimba to trumpet and guitar, along with our piano and pipe organ are played at the worship service, and the choir sings regularly.
Women's Group: Meet as announced. One of their main projects is the annual Scandinavian/American Bake Sale, which is held on the first Saturday of November.
Music and Choir: instruments from marimba to trumpet and guitar, along with our piano and pipe organ are played at the worship service, and the choir sings regularly.